God Helps Those Who Help Themselves


It can sometimes be a struggle to admit our need before God. We want to show God that we are good or strong. We want to prove to God that we were worth the price He paid for us. I believe this is where this statement comes from. The statement “God helps those who helps themselves” does not find its basis in God’s word. In fact, the opposite is true, God helps those who understand how helpless they truly are.

Heaven Gained an Angel


In this first lesson of our series on things you might have thought the Bible says but it doesn’t we look at the adage often used when someone passes away, “Heaven gained an angel.” Now sometimes this is used as an encouragement and angel is used in the sense of a sweet person, but some believe when we die we get our harp and our halo and our wings and we become angels. The Bible says we have something far greater waiting on us when we get to Heaven.

Essentials - Miracle Gifts

We have been looking at different theological issues that are important for us to stand on and for and not waver. Now, we are switching to look at those theological issues that we have the freedom to disagree on without destroying our faith. These are the issues that believers can disagree on and still have fellowship and serve and worship together. First, we look at the Miracle Gifts that we see in the book of Acts. Do the gifts of healing and tongues continue today or did they end with the Apostles?

Essentials - The 2nd Coming of Jesus

The Second Coming of Jesus is more than just the rapture and the tribulation. When Jesus Christ comes back, it is the restoration of creation and the fulfillment of all the promises of Jesus and the Gospel. For believers, this is a time of rejoicing and we should longingly look forward to Jesus’s return; but we must also be aware of those around us who do not know Jesus, because the Second Coming for them is not a time of rejoicing, but dread. Because of this, the Second Coming is a time of both rejoicing and a time that should drive us to concern for those who do not know Jesus.